Platinum membership is based on a £95.00 sign-up fee entitling the eq8tor member up to £200.00 contribution to shipping costs based on week orders of minimum of 10 shipments per calendar week that is £20.00 off per shipment. In addition the members will receive advance notice of special promo products at substantial discounts.
Gold membership is based on a £45.00 sign-up fee entitling the eq8tor member up £100.00 contribution to shipping costs based orders of minimum of 6 shipments per calendar week that is £16.66 off per shipment.
Silver membership is based on a £35.00 sign-up fee entitling the eq8tor member up to £50.00 contribution to shipping costs based on monthly orders of a minimum of 4 shipments per calendar week that is £12.50 off per shipment.
Bronze membership is based on a £25.00 sign-up fee entitling the eq8tor member up to £30.00 contribution to shipping costs based on a weekly or of a minimum of 3 shipments per calendar week that is £10.00 off per shipment.
Regular Membership is based on a £10.00 sign-up fee entitling the eq8tor member with a rebate of £10.00 on first purchase contribution to shipping charge.